
Today Aric and I had lunch with Sis, the kids, Wil, Tony, Ivy, and Tony's parents. Then Aric, Sis, and I took the kids to Dave and Buster's at The Great Mall. My nieces have never been there...mainly due to the fact that my sister always thought it was a bar, and strictly for adults only. Anyhow, The Great Mall was incredibly crowded!
We watched the kids play games until it was time for them to go, then Aric and I walked around and shopped a bit. Now that Ashlyn can support her heavy head better, I got to use our Baby Bjorn carrier for the first time. It's GREAT!...my hands were free, and Aric used her stroller to carry our cumbrous purchases.

Aric and I had dinner at our favorite place in Milpitas Square, then headed over to Wil's for a bit. We watched Wil and Tony's wedding video. I've never seen it in it's entirety. It still makes me weepy-eyed to watch my baby-sister get married. *sniff* hehehehe
Since Matty left for Hawaii, Cin came over to hang out and spend the weekend with me.

After putting Ashlyn down to bed, Cin, Eva, and I stayed up watching Pearl Harbor (one of my early Christmas gifts from Aric) and drooled over Josh Hartnett. =)

Ashlyn's pic of the day

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